Meet Dayan­it­sa Mauri­cia the face behind Be unbeweaveable

About Be unbeweaveable

Hi there,
Be unbe­weave­able was launched in 2014 and before start­ing the busi­ness, I vis­it­ed India to find the best hair qual­i­ty. It was an inten­sive trip full of obsta­cles but worth it. In the back of a small Tuk Tuk I trav­elled with my part­ner through India for 10 days.

‘Some were big fac­to­ries, oth­ers where lofts in hous­es, or sim­ply a cor­ner in the liv­ing room’

Before leav­ing I made a list of poten­tial com­pa­nies to vis­it. The Tuk Tuk dri­ver was very nice and drove us around all day. The hair busi­ness is an impor­tant source of income in India. It was very inter­est­ing to see dif­fer­ent com­pa­nies. Some were big fac­to­ries, oth­ers where lofts in hous­es, or sim­ply a cor­ner in the liv­ing room. I saw var­i­ous types of hairs because even in India there is good and bad qual­i­ty. For me it was also very impor­tant to do busi­ness with a clean and orga­nized com­pa­ny. There were fac­to­ries where it was so full of hair and peo­ple that you could bare­ly breath. It hap­pened a few times that I left the place imme­di­ate­ly after arrival.

‘It was quite late and rain­ing when he pro­posed us to bring us to a fac­to­ry that was
a 1‑hour drive’

Dur­ing our trip, we had two dif­fer­ent dri­vers. Where the smart peo­ple rent­ed a car we decid­ed to be adven­tur­ous and con­cur all in Indi­an style. After a while our sec­ond dri­ver noticed that we were look­ing for hair. It was quite late and rain­ing when he pro­posed us to bring us to a fac­to­ry that was a 1‑hour dri­ve away. I was not sure if it would be worth it but since I was already in India we decid­ed to give it a try. And that’s where I found what I was look­ing for. The fac­to­ry was big, orga­nized and very clean. The hair was the high­est qual­i­ty, off course the price was also high­er but my goal was the best hair. After inspect­ing the hairs, my part­ner nego­ti­at­ed about the price and we placed an order for 10 kilos. With bags full of hair, we left two days lat­er back to the Netherlands.

‘To launch my busi­ness I orga­nized a par­ty in 1NUL8’
After arriv­ing home I still did not have a busi­ness name. Togeth­er with Nil­son a good friend of mine we cre­at­ed the name ‘Be unbe­weave­able’. My niece Afri­ka helped me cre­at­ing my first pic­tures and also set­ting up Insta­gram and Face­book, I had no clue how to use hash­tags since I was on social media for the first time. To launch my busi­ness I orga­nized a par­ty in ‘1nul8’ in Rot­ter­dam. Since I did not have a huge bud­get, I vis­it­ed sev­er­al stores in the city cen­ter to ask for items to place in my good­ie bag, a lady from the ICI Paris agreed to do Make-up and Salem ( Hair by Jerusalem) a good friend of mine came over to do the hair of all vis­i­tors. My broth­ers were help­ing in the wardrobe and my oth­er broth­ers served Cake pops. A friend of my sis­ter was so nice to make pictures.
Proud fact: my white dress, linen bags and all table­cloths were made by my mother.

Since I did not have a phys­i­cal store I divid­ed my liv­ing room with a big ban­ner. I had a small Ikea clos­et with hair, I hanged up a price list and I had a bar set for vis­i­tors. Anoth­er great oppor­tu­ni­ty that the man­ag­er from ICI Paris gave me was to have my own table every Sat­ur­day to pro­mote my busi­ness. I’m very grate­ful for every­one that sup­port­ed my dream.

‘I’m hap­py to share my adven­ture with you and to able to offer 100% Authen­tic Raw Indi­an Hair’

India has a very rich cul­ture and the peo­ple are very friend­ly. Besides look­ing for hair we also vis­it­ed a big tem­ple unfor­tu­nate­ly we were not allowed inside the tem­ple because we were not reli­gious. We enjoyed the Indi­an kitchen and did some shop­ping at the local stores and mar­kets. India was a pleas­ant expe­ri­ence and for sure I would love to go back again to explore dif­fer­ent parts. For now, I’m hap­py to share my adven­ture with you and to be able to offer 100% Authen­tic Raw Indi­an Hair.

What makes Raw Indi­an Hair such high quality?
Authen­tic Raw Indi­an Hair has nev­er been processed or chem­i­cal­ly altered. And all cuti­cles are aligned to keep the hair from mat­ting and tangling.
— 90% of one hair bun­dle is from a sin­gle or dou­ble donor
— The ton­sur­ing process ensures all hair will be col­lect­ed from the root. The root and tails of the Raw Indi­an Hair bun­dles are dif­fer­ent in color
— Indi­an Hair is unique due to vari­ety in nat­ur­al shades of black/brown. And tex­tures   that can vary from silky to coarse
— Indi­an Hair is eth­i­cal­ly sourced
— Indi­an Hair is thick, lus­trous and very durable
— Indi­an Hair is free of any dan­ger­ous chemicals

Did you know this?
Raw Indi­an hair is very pop­u­lar due to the vari­ety in length, tex­ture, soft­ness and the high qual­i­ty. But did you also know it is a very pre­cise process to make bun­dles. Also a big part of this process is done by hand and takes at least 17 steps

1. Ton­sur­ing
2. Bid­ding to buy hair
3. Seg­re­ga­tion of sizes
4. Sort­ing (remov­ing short hairs, bundling with rub­ber band)
5. Overnight soaking
6. Washing
7. Air drying
8. Remov­ing short hair
9. Remov­ing grey hair
10. Hair align­ment for machine
11. Weft­ing on machine
12. Glueing
13. Trim­ming beard
14. Wash­ing again
15. Bundling
16. Final deep con­di­tion­ing wash

Debunk­ing myths
Authen­tic hair from oth­er coun­tries such as Brazil, Malaysia, Peru and Cam­bo­dia would be very hard to find since females are not shav­ing their hair off. There is sim­ply not enough sup­ply, there­fore all these hair types are most­ly processed hair from China.

Authen­tic hair also doesn’t look the same. And doesn’t exist in var­i­ous grades such as 10A or in tex­tures such as water wave, deep curly, wet and wavy etc. These var­i­ous tex­tures are being achieved by chem­i­cal­ly pro­cess­ing the hair. Such as boil­ing, steam­ing, acids wash­es, fillers and even mix­ing syn­thet­ic hair with ani­mal hair.

Ques­tion to ask your­self; When look­ing for an authen­tic Chanel bag, would you go to a Chanel store or a place where they sell var­i­ous brands? For this rea­son we strong­ly believe in only 3 tex­tures that are guar­an­teed Authen­tic Raw Indian.

What else does Be unbe­weave­able have for you?

Wig Mas­ter Classes
Are you ready to make pro­fes­sion­al qual­i­ty wigs? No expe­ri­ence is need­ed. I will teach you all my tech­niques. Go from hand stitch­ing one wig to cre­at­ing mul­ti­ple wigs daily.
— Pri­vate 1:1 and Group classes
— Hands on
— A cer­tifi­cate will be awarded

Nat­ur­al Hair Care Line
My younger self nev­er loved her hair and sit­ting on the floor between my mom legs to get my hair braid­ed was painful. Don’t we all remem­ber try­ing to feel how much hair was left and get­ting slapped on the hand with the comb

See­ing the hap­py girl on the box, real­ly made me think that a relax­er would solve all my prob­lems. Unfor­tu­nate­ly it did­n’t and I still remem­ber the chem­i­cal smell and that it burned my scalp. I’m hap­py that I was able to grow my hair and that now I absolute­ly love my Crown. I can’t wait to be part of your jour­ney and I’m there­fore very proud to present the Nat­ur­al Hair Kit! Are you ready to grow your hair long and healthy?

Mis­sion statement
We empow­er women by teach­ing them Wig mak­ing skills for per­son­al or pro­fes­sion­al pur­pos­es. And with our Med­ical Wigs and Nat­ur­al Hair Care Line we give women their con­fi­dence back