Natural Hair Care Kit + Hair Tutorial


Why customers love the Natural Hair Care Kit + Hair Tutorial
- Our kit comes with a free hair consult
- Contains 5 must have products
- Our products are easy to use
- Will leave your hair feeling soft and moist
- Our shampoo will give a deep cleanse without drying out your hair
- Your hair will get a nice curl pattern
- The tutorial is easy to follow

- Very detailed
- Shows how to use all products from the Natural Hair Care Kit
- Valuable tricks and tips are being shared

Good to know
- The video can be watched unlimited for a duration of 3 months

- Scroll down to read more details under the 'description'

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Our Nat­ur­al Hair Care Kit con­tains the fol­low­ing items, in the tuto­r­i­al we will show how to use all the products

1. 8oz Apple Cider Vine­gar Sham­poo — Deep scalp cleanser, com­bats and pre­vents dandruff.
Ingre­di­ents. Free of: Sul­fates, Phtha­lates, Dyes, Parabens, and Silicones
Veg­an Friend­ly (Please see the pic­tures for the com­plete ingre­di­ent list)

2. 8oz Deep mois­ture Con­di­tion­er — Soft­ens your crown and makes it eas­i­er to manage
Free of: Phtha­lates, PEGs, Dyes, Arti­fi­cial Fra­grance, Parabens, Sul­fates, Silicone
Veg­an Friend­ly. (Please see the pic­tures for the com­plete ingre­di­ent list)

3. 8oz Mois­tur­iz­ing Leave In Cream- Smooth and Creamy tex­ture that adds mois­ture to dry and dull hair. Free of: Phtha­lates, PEGs, Parabens and Veg­an Friend­ly (Please see the pic­tures for the com­plete ingre­di­ent list)

4. 8oz Hair But­ter- Pro­vides mois­ture and soft­ness. Per­fect for twists outs and defin­ing curls. Free of: PEGs, Dyes, Min­er­al Oils, Sil­i­cone, Parabens and Veg­an Friendly
(Please see the pic­tures for the com­plete ingre­di­ent list)

5. 4oz Anti Itch & Growth Oil- Light weight Oil that stim­u­lates Hair Growth and mois­tur­izes the scalp. Free of: Phtha­lates, Dyes, Arti­fi­cial Fra­grance, PEGs, Parabens and Veg­an Friend­ly (Please see the pic­tures for the com­plete ingre­di­ent list)


Nat­ur­al Hair Care Video
I am very excit­ed to share my nat­ur­al hair care rou­tine with you. Tak­ing care of Nat­ur­al Hair can be very frus­trat­ing. I will take you on a visu­al jour­ney in my Nat­ur­al Hair Care Video. Step by step I will show you my hair rou­tine and share impor­tant tips/tricks. The video is easy to fol­low and all your ques­tions will be answered after watch­ing it. 

What will you learn:

  1. How to prop­er­ly unrav­el a pro­tec­tive style
  2. How to wash your hair cor­rect­ly with shampoo
  3. How to fin­ger detan­gle your hair and why you should be fin­ger detangling
  4. How to deep con­di­tion your hair while using a steam­er. And why using a steam­er is so beneficial
  5. How to wash your hair with conditioner
  6. How to mois­tur­ize you hair in the cor­rect way and which prod­ucts you should be using
  7. How to twist your hair. And why twist­ing is bet­ter than using heat
  8. How to trim your hair. Espe­cial­ly in between salon vis­its this is use­ful to know
  9. How to style your hair once it is dry

Tak­ing care of your Crown will become a plea­sure instead of a bur­den. You will receive the link with exclu­sive access to the video after your pur­chase. Always feel wel­come to reach out if you have questions.


Additional information

Weight 1361 g
Dimensions 8 × 7 × 4 in