Bridal Showcase-Goral Gables Miami Florida

‘It felt like I was get­ting married’
On august 27th I had my first Bridal Show­case. It felt like I was get­ting mar­ried. I decid­ed 10 days before to par­tic­i­pate so a lot of work had to be done in just a mat­ter of time. With only a few hours of sleep a day I was mak­ing wigs on repeat because I was deter­mined to show­case a vari­ety of wigs.

‘See­ing oth­ers lov­ing your work is real­ly the cher­ry on the cake’
Dec­o­rat­ing the table was one of my favorite things to do, I love being cre­ative with a small budget.
Dressed up includ­ed heels I nego­ti­at­ed with the local Beau­ty Sup­ply store for man­nequin heads and got a great deal. $10 for each man­nequin, while they nor­mal­ly start at $30 each.

For the dis­plays, I used car­ton box­es that I found in the house and cov­ered it with paper and rib­bon from the dol­lar store. The bags and frames were also pur­chased in the dol­lar store.
In search for mod­els I orga­nized a wig par­ty. It was quite emo­tion­al in a pos­i­tive way to see all the ladies feel­ing them­selves try­ing on dif­fer­ent wigs.
See­ing oth­ers lov­ing your work is real­ly the cher­ry on the cake

‘Every­body sees the fin­ished prod­uct, but often the time that goes into the job is underestimated’
I ran into quit a few obsta­cles, luck­i­ly I kept calm and stayed pos­i­tive. Every­body sees the fin­ished prod­uct, but often the time that goes into the job is underestimated.
The Colon­nade Hotel in Coral Gables was a beau­ti­ful loca­tion. I show­cased a total of 7 wigs. It made me proud to see my work on the table and off course my two beau­ti­ful mod­els slay­ing my wigs. Since it was a bridal event I decid­ed to wear my brides dress and a hand­made veil. The vis­i­tors had to pay a lit­tle fee, so every­body was real­ly engag­ing and tak­ing their time for a good conversation.

I didn’t want to be remem­bered as the lady that fell down the stairs.’

After a few hours I went around to explore the venue. Out­side the venue room was a Bridal Run­way Show going on. While twirling and pos­ing to get the best pic­tures and videos for my social media, a lady from the Bridal Run­way Show sud­den­ly asked me if I want­ed to be a model.
Due to can­cel­la­tions, she was short on mod­els and I fit­ted in per­fect­ly since I was wear­ing my brides dress. The lady didn’t real­ly give me the change to say yes or no but basi­cal­ly decid­ed for me. Before I knew she hand­ed over a bridal bou­quet as acces­so­ry and said: ’hold on to the railing’.

Yes, ladies I had to walk down the stairs with all eyes, lights, phones, livestreams and cam­eras on me. I con­quered the first steps, stopped, smiled and posed.
The sec­ond part was the hard­est, I walked down slow­ly won­der­ing what I got myself into and if some­body could see how ner­vous I was. I didn’t want to be remem­bered as the lady that fell down the stairs.

After the ter­ri­fy­ing stairs, I felt great. While wear­ing my 26’’ Be unbe­weave­able wig and with Nao­mi Camp­bell in my mind I rocked the cat­walk. It was a great expe­ri­ence and I felt like a Vic­to­ria Secret princess in my bride’s dress. The event was a suc­cess, click here to see the video of the Bridal Show­case. And till the next adventure.

Ciao Daya
Be unbeweaveable