How To Recognize Authentic Raw Indian Hair | Did You Know This?


At times in can be hard to rec­og­nize Authen­tic Raw Indi­an Hair. But there are a few point­ers, which we will share today.

The ends
The dead ends will always be intact, it is there­fore impor­tant to trim. When mea­sur­ing the bun­dles in India they always add extra length, so your bun­dles will still be true to length after trimming. 

Bun­dle tex­ture and color
The bun­dles are not 100% the same. The tex­ture and col­or can vary per bun­dle. Most bun­dles are the nat­ur­al 1b col­or but some bun­dles can range from light brown to almost black. 

Sin­gle drawn bundles
Sin­gle drawn bun­dles are not the same length from top to bot­tom. The ends are always thin­ner than the roots. Most hair in India is also being sold as sin­gle drawn, since a lot of hair goes to waste with dou­ble drawn bundles. 

Authen­tic Raw Indi­an Curly
Always pay atten­tion to the Curly tex­ture. Authen­tic Raw Indi­an Curly is nev­er per­fect­ly curled right out of the pack­age. You will need a Leave-In cream to define and to mois­ture the curls. It is again also very impor­tant to trim the ends. In the pic­ture above you can see a before and after of Authen­tic Raw Indi­an Curly bundles. 
How many of these tips did you already know?

We hope these tips were help­ful and we are hap­py to assist if you have any oth­er questions. 

Warm regards,

Team Be unbeweaveable


Click here to shop Raw Indi­an Curly
Vis­it www. to shop Raw Indi­an Hair

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