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ready to make professional wigs?

Wel­come! My name is Daya Mauri­cia
- Founder of Be unbe­weave­able
- Spe­cial­ized in the Amer­i­can mar­ket
- Spe­cial­ized in the Euro­pean mar­ket 
- Cer­ti­fied Wig Mas­ter
- 8 years expe­ri­ence
- Cra­nial pros­the­sis spe­cial­ist
- Vis­it­ed India in 2014 to find top qual­i­ty Hair 
- Author of 4 online wig cours­es
- Author of the Ulti­mate Be unbe­weave­able Hair Guide
It is my mis­sion to make women inde­pen­dent busi­ness own­ers! My full sto­ry on how I start­ed can be read here

What to expect?
Dur­ing the Wig Mas­ter Class I will teach you all my tech­niques. I have been in the hair indus­try since 2014, so you are in good hands. I have a lot of patience and we will go over every sub­ject until you are com­fort­able mov­ing on to the next step. No ques­tion is too stu­pid to ask and at the end of the course you will be ready to make your own wigs and remem­ber that prac­tice makes perfect.

FAQ: Are all mate­ri­als includ­ed? 
Some mate­ri­als will be includ­ed. The list of mate­ri­als that will need to be pur­chased before the Wig Mas­ter Class will be pro­vid­ed after com­plet­ing your registration. 

in person class 

Did you know this? A cus­tom wig ser­vice can bring in over $10.000,- a month!

What will your learn dur­ing the in per­son Wig Mas­ter Class:
1. The foun­da­tion: How to choose the cor­rect wig cap, How to choose the cor­rect man­nequin head, How to do cus­tom head mea­sure­ments, How to pre­pare your wig cap

2. Wig Mak­ing: How to set up your sewing machine, How to trou­bleshoot your sewing machine, How to apply var­i­ous sewing machine tech­niques, How to attach your clo­sure, How to attach your bun­dles, How to make the inside of your wig look pro­fes­sion­al, How to attach wig combs and a elas­tic band.

3. Clo­sure Cus­tomiza­tion: How to bleach the clo­sure, How to pluck the clo­sure, How to cut the clo­sure, How to tint the clo­sure and spe­cial tips/tricks

4. Final styling: How to style your wig, tips and tricks

5. Busi­ness tips
How to price your wigs, How to give the best cus­tomer ser­vice, how to pro­mote your busi­ness and exclu­sive insid­er tips and tricks. 


The Pro Wig Mas­ter Class is per­fect for:

- Every­body who loves beau­ty and ready to turn a hob­by into a 4-fig­ure business .

- The begin­ner who need to help of an expert to improve their cur­rent wig mak­ing skills. 

- If you wear wigs for med­ical pur­pos­es and tired of depend­ing on others.

- The pro­fes­sion­al who is tired of mak­ing wigs by hand. Start cre­at­ing mul­ti­ple wigs a day on a sewing machine and work much more effi­cient. 

- The hair­styl­ist who is not offer­ing a cus­tom made wig ser­vice yet. 

The busi­ness own­er who sells bun­dles, clo­sures, frontals and who would love to offer a new cus­tom service. 

